
Ugene's Reading Report Back

Ugene’s Reading Report Back The name of my library book is called The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Written by Jeff Kinney It’s purpose is to interest and entertain the reader by using verbs. “You know, I should have just stuck with my original plan and stayed inside this summer, because all my trouble started the minute I stepped out of the house. My book is about a boy named Greg, and he writes about himself. Learning story: I located information so I found out that Greg  was not friends with Rowley  just because Rowley  gave his beanie wand when he was doing his school job. I inferred an idea so I worked out about Rodrick pranking Greg just so he could get a trouble and get grounded.  My clues were ‘I hate when Rodrick is home for the holiday because he always get me in trouble with mum and dad.’ I evaluated so I think that  Rodrick should not prank Greg because Greg is not a toy he is a human being and he has a life too and he just can be treated like trash. I analysed

Ugene's Cook Island Language Learning Story

Ugene's Cook Island Language Learning Story  Tatou katoatoa e tou kia orana tatou atu  So when we learn Cook Island Maori at Corinna School, we all go to a certain place at a certain time so if you were in Cook Island with Abby you will go at 1:50pm and if you are in Samoan with Sia you would go around 2:20pm and stay there for an hour and 30 minutes. It’s the same go for the  Cook Island students. We are so lucky to have people in our community who take their own time of the day to come teach us. So I would just like to thank Ti, Sia, Abby and  Malia for everything they do not just for their own kids but also the students of Corinna School. I love doing Cook Island Language because it give me an opportunity to learn more about my ancestors and my culture. 3. Learning story using success criteria * Make it interesting for your reader. How do we become confident speakers of our own special languages? Success Criteria: Practise by ourselves or in a group Practise with our

The Sassy Charleston

Ugene’s Dance Learning Story  Term 3 The Sassy Charleston. So according to my facts James P. Johnson was the one that invented The Charleston and it was brought in to the world in the 1920’s. The Moves. So the moves are similar to the dance we call the shuffle because you have to keep moving your feet and in The Charleston and it is mostly about your leg movement. Is the Charleston jazz ? Did you know The Charleston is jazz. It was used to accompany The Charleston dance. Cecil Mack was the man that wrote the lyrics and James P. Johnson was the first man to introduced the stride piano method of playing. What do people wear for Charleston? When people dance to the Charleston they wear fancy dress (for the girls) and tux for the boys. Also the boys wear a top hat. The girls usually wear high heels and a headband with a feather on top and they feel happy when they dance. I was good at being sassy during the dance, and smiling. I think I need to work on stop having an atti

Ugene's Legacy & Report Prompts for end of Year

My favourite memory of my time at Corinna School is when we were at The Big Day Out  because it was so fun to just have to chill with my school family because we usually don't have a cool time like that  out with my class. ·  A challenging time was when I was playing netball because when we had training it was so hard for me because we did a lot of running and that was the hards time for me.      The most important things I learned was how to write my learning story in an engaging way because that's one of the ways I like to make a picture in my readers head. ·  Some people who helped me achieve my goals were Kate because she always makes me do it until I give up. But I  will not give up it’s more like having a break. When I have a break I just try get it done.       It was hard for me to show up to school everyday because I’d be too busy playing Fortnite, eating breakfast and also because of family issues You know how your family is when it comes to issues.

Ugene's Reports

Ugene’s Own Report Be so good they can't ignore. Steve Martin 2018 just thinking I’m a Year 8  this year. I will never get over this year. Not just because it’s my last year at Corinna School but also because I made a lot of good friends like Rylee, Anahera and Aria. We have been getting closer and closer. I  will just like to say thank Kate for being a supportive teacher, helping me with my learning stories,  know what to do when I’m doing my learning story and knowing how to fix it all up so it can my best work ever. When I'm in a group I always try to outshine my group but when I try I we all shine. I like to be the leader but it’s  OK when I’m not. I always try to help others when they when are stuck. I like do this because when my group is not sure I ask if they need help and see if I can explain that in a different way. Things I don’t enjoy is when Kate gives us a lot of instructions and I daydream and I always lose focus and me don’t know what to do. I just s

Ugene's Publish e-asttle writing

Life Of An Easy.  “I feel mad! I feel sad!” “ Tai it's time to go school” “Mum I’m not ready yet” “ You are going to have to be” “ Why’s that mum?” “Because the bus is going to be here in 10 minutes” “Oh it is” “Ok Tai. I’m going to work now. Bye”  (7 minutes later bus arrives) “Hi Tai” “Hi Gene” “Oi look it’s Tai with all her mate’s” “STOP IT”  “Or else what?” “Or else I will…..” “You will what ayy?” “I'll be the bigger person and walk away” “You do that” “I will do it” “Tai you ok?” “Yep” “Are you sure?” “Now what have I ever done to her to do that to me” “I don't know” “ Me to” “Probably just jealous” “True that” (Tai arrives at school) “Hey Tai can i talk with you?” “Why that Kate” “I heard you’ve been picked on” “Who told you?” “No one” “Was it Gene?” “Yes how did you know?” “Because he's only one I trust” “Well I'm taking it to the principal” “Please don't “ “Why?” “Because they will beat me up” “No they won'

Ugene's swimmimg learning story

Ugene's Swimming Learning Story So you are here to hear about my swimming journey (more like less). I will get started. So for the first day, I was not swimming but I was like swimming is so important because New Zealand has a lot of water around it. To be real with you at first I was not looking forward to swimming. The thing I was confident with was trending water because when I’m with my family we always go to the deep end and my mum and dad will always start to trend the water so I can breathe and not drown. My teacher was not only Abby but also my mum and dad. As you can tell from the last paragraph I also love the boat safety because my mum and dad are thinking of buying a boat and I know how to be safe on a boat. I can tell my mum and dad that if we get a boat we will be safe (may be safe on the boat) I just like to say thank the teacher that have taken their time out to teach me and my classmates swimming. I most like to thank Abby for the teacher that